Behavioral Fitness

“The key to successful coping is flexibility of matching the coping strategies to the demands of the situation and to one’s goals.”

“Resilience skills are like a muscle in a body that needs exercise, practice and usage in order to develop and to be replenished”

“Resilient individuals are masters of innovation. Instead of following a prescribed automatic habitual behavioral script, resilient individuals are able to alter, regulate, override, break free and choose from a variety of coping options.”

“Individuals who have better self-control and will power (delay of gratification, show GRIT, are strategic) do better interpersonally, suffer less after experiencing stressors, are better adjusted and perform better at school and on the job.”

“Resilient individuals monitor, modify and evaluate their emotional reactions to accomplish a goal. They manage taxing circumstances, reduce or tolerate stress and conflict and accept what is beyond their control or cannot be changed.”

Behavioral fitness is the ability to form and implement Behavioral Action Plans; to be flexible and adaptable in the face of change and to make maximal use of abilities and resources.

Behavioral Fitness is reflected in the willingness to try out new strategies and learn from mistakes and setbacks. Behaviorally fit individuals see themselves as organized, industrious, conscientious, committed and self-controlled, all of which contributes to their resilience.

Action 68